Welcome to Technology World. Every coin has two sides. Same way, technology comes with advantages as well as disadvantages. Take the example of mobiles and Smartphones. Everything is available at our fingertips but at the same time, we are getting addicted to it. Not only adults but also children and teenagers are getting addicted to mobiles, TV etc. The average screen time of children and teenagers is increasing rapidly and becoming a concern for parents. Why are children getting addicted to mobile phones? What the parents are supposed to do in this situation? How to deal with mobile-addicted children? How to reduce or break their mobile addiction? How to help your child to control screen time? Which are the fastest ways to get rid of mobile addiction? What are the risks involved in a child's smartphone addiction? This Blog will talk about all the above questions. Though the word 'child' is used, it is applicable to children from ages 2 years to 20 years.
Why are children getting addicted to mobile phones?
1. Children learn many things and habits from their parents and elders. They continuously observe the people around them and pick the things they find fascinating. If the child is addicted to the mobile then the first thing that needs to check that who is in the family using too much mobile. If parents are using mobiles all the time then no point to blame a child.
2. It is observed that some parents use mobile phones to divert the attention of their children or to control them so they will sit quietly in one place. Some parents give mobiles to their children so they can feed them properly. All these tricks develop in the habits.
3. The parents do not know how to engage the children during their holidays and vacation. So their option ends to screen time.
4. Due to hectic daily routines, parents also need their "me time" and space from the children. Here come mobile phones as a lifesaver.
5. Some parents want their children to get exposed to technology at a very young age so they introduce mobile phones to their children and get trapped in the problem.
The parents do not have the wrong intentions. They do what they feel is correct at that time to pacify their children. But afterward, it goes out of control and turned out into a mobile addiction.
What the parents are supposed to do in this situation? How to deal with mobile-addicted children?
1. Patience : The parents need to handle the situation with patience. Getting angry, shouting, and scolding may work for a short duration but it will not change the habit of your child. The parents should not lose their temper.
2. Love : Keep loving, hugging and cuddling your child. Touch Therapy works wonderfully for children up to the age of 20 years. Talk to them softly in a loving tone.
3. Care : Take good care of the children by providing them a healthy diet and nutrients-riched food.
4. Give time to change Habits : Do not become very strict. The habits cannot be changed in one day. Give time so they will reduce the use of mobile phones day by day.
5. Be Consistent and Firm : It is very important that parents should be consistent and firm in breaking the addiction of mobile phones. One day strict, next day lenient will not work. The parents should follow the planned routine consistently to change the habit and the parents should be very firm and should not give up in front of a child.
6. Do not give Screen Time as Rewards : Never allow the child to use mobile as a reward for doing some work and studying for a period of time. It will become difficult to break the habit.
How to reduce or break their mobile addiction? How to help your child to control screen time?
The parents can plan the strategy which is suitable for them. The following are the guidelines to break mobile addiction,
1. Do not use mobile phones in front of children :
When parents want to reduce the screen time of their children, the first step needs to follow is to reduce your screen time at least in front of the child. The parents need to work on their own mobile addiction first. If a child observes that his parents are not using mobile phones and are always busy in doing other activities, he will also try to follow them by getting involved in his own activities. It works slowly but surely. Ensure the following things,
a. Use the mobile when the child is not at home or in school or sleeping or playing outside.
b. A parent who is spending time with the child should turn off the notifications and sounding tones so your mobile will not distract the attention of yours and your child. If possible, set your mobile on 'Do not disturb' or 'Airplane' mode.
c. Keep the mobile aside, maybe in the drawer or at a high place where your attention will not go frequently.
d. There is no need to attend the WhatsApp messages, Facebook posts or other social media updates immediately. The person can check this in his free time when the child is not around. Try to understand the difference between urgent and not urgent. If someone calls, keep the conversation short and precise.
2. Set the Time-Table for the whole day :
It is always better to set the timetable for your child so you do not need to worry about how to engage him/her. Sit with pen and paper and jot down the time after consulting your spouse from morning to night. Ensure that the child will be engaged in different activities. The following are the suggestions,
a. Keep Homework and Study time. Provide help in studies if needed.
b. Develop some hobbies by considering the child's interests. These hobbies will entertain your child. Hobbies help to release Dopamine - a "feel-good" hormone. It gives a sense of pleasure and motivation. The same hormone is released when we use a mobile phone. There will be no need for a mobile when a child pursues his hobbies. Join the hobby classes like Drawing, painting, playing musical instruments, singing, dancing, swimming, sports coaching etc. The parent's commitment and engagement may increase with the child's hobby classes, but they need to give this time for the betterment of the child and his/her future.
c. Involve the child in household chores. It is important to teach the life-skills to children. The children should know at least cleaning, washing, cooking simple meals and keeping their things in order. Ask for their help and teach them these basic things. The child will develop responsibility and even understand the efforts of the parents.
d. Set aside play time, exercise time, yoga and meditation time for the child. Ensure that the child will go out and play with other children. Teach some stretching exercises, body exercises, basic yogasana and meditation. The meditation can be simply closing down the eyes and sitting quietly and pronouncing Om and some mantras.
e. Spare some time for religious purposes. Teachings of your religion, reading the holy books for them, teaching them shlokas, mantras or stanzas of holy books, involving them in religious traditions and customs and explaining scientific importance to them matters a lot.
f. Keep family time where the whole family will come together at dinner time.
g. Decide the screen time in timetable and everyone will follow it. Restrict this time to a maximum 1 hour per day for the child. Install the Apps which restrict screen time.
3. Keep Mobile-free Areas/Zones at home :
This rule works wonderfully. It is always better to limit the use of mobile in the hall. The use of mobile will not be allowed in the kitchen, bedroom, washroom and at the dining table. The mobile will be restricted in these areas for all the members of the family. So the parents can keep a watch on what the child is watching on the mobile.
4. Spend Quality Time with children :
There is always doubt in the minds of parents that what is quality time and how much quality time should be spent with children. Quality time is the time that develops the bond between the parents and the child. The quality time period may vary but there are three crucial times when the parents must be available for the child. That is called 10-10-10 formula. 10 minutes in the morning, 10 minutes in the afternoon and 10 minutes at the night. At least this much time should be given to the child by all the parents.
10 minutes when the child gets up in the morning. This can be silence time, just cuddling the child. 10 minutes when the child returns from school. Allow the child to speak whatever he wants to speak. Do not interrupt. Ask questions if the child is not speaking so they will start the conversation by answering your questions. If both the parents are working then they can talk on the phone. 10 minutes before the child sleeps. This time, parents can speak to the child. They can appreciate, motivate or talk positively about the child. Apart from this, the parents can spend time with the child when he/she needs them.
5. Improve Communication :
It's time to improve communication with the child to develop deep bonding with them. Listen patiently to what they want to say, share your childhood stories, discuss small small issues with them and ask advice from them, discuss real-life incidences so they can learn something, talk on different topics so their knowledge will increase etc. Do not cross them always. Validate their feelings, understand their emotions and make them feel safe and secure.
Most of the parents' communication limit to do this, do that, don't do this, don't do this, why did you do this, lecturing, instructing, commanding them. This is not called communication. There is instant need to improve communication so the child will prefer to talk to you instead of using a mobile.
6. No Access to mobile phones outside the house :
Make the rule that the child cannot use the phone once he leaves the house. No use of the phone in traveling, supermarket, friend's house, relative's house, party, weddings etc. Make them understand that they should see the outside world when they go outside instead of using their phones. They are supposed to interact with people, make new friends and observe the beauty of the world.
7. Awareness about the Side Effects of using too much mobile :
Make the child aware of the ill effects of using mobile for a long time. Discuss the health issues, psychological issues and radiation issues with them which are discussed in the last paragraph of this blog.
Which are the fastest ways to get rid of mobile addiction?
1. Completely occupy the child with activities one after another. For example, the child gets up in the morning and goes to school until 2 PM then Cricket Coaching from 3 PM to 6 PM. Homework from 6:30 to 7:30 PM. Help at home from 7:30 to 8:00 PM. Reading / Study time 8:30 to 9:00 PM. Family games at night (eg. playing cards, Ludo, chess, carrom etc) from 9:00 to 9:45 PM. Sleeping time at 10:00 PM.
2. Locking the mobile with a big password.
3. Hiding mobile phones.
4. Disconnecting the WiFi facility.
5. Complete abandoning the use of mobile for continuous 3 days.
What are the risks involved in a child's smartphone addiction?
Smartphone addiction is a serious issue and parents cannot ignore it due to the following reasons,
1. Invalid Content :
Parents do not have control over what their child is watching. There are many chances that the child can watch abusive and vulgar content and distract at a young age.
2. Long Screen Hours :
Long screen hours are harmful to the health of the child. The brightness is not good for their delicate eyes, headphones/earphones can damage the ears, can create problems for the neck and back, frequent headaches, tiredness, high heart and pulse rate, low apatite, no willingness to eat food etc.
3. Wrong Sitting Posture :
Many children sit in the wrong posture while using smartphones. Some children lay down and watch. This can create long-term issues.
4. Psychological Issues :
The children can develop stress and loneliness, get isolated from the real world and start living in a fantasy world with unreal characters, a lack of social development, zero adjustments with others, throwing frequent tantrums, no communication and interaction with others, poor academic performance, low concentration span, irritation, anxiety, laziness, carelessness, emotional dryness etc.
5. Expose to Radiations :
Smartphone radiations are not good for health and brain development. Use the mobile with a low Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) value. This value shows the amount of radiation absorbed by our body. It represents in W/Kg. The maximum SAR level allowed in India is 1.6 W/Kg. You can check this value by dialing *#07# from your mobile.
The child is a big responsibility of each and every parent. Do not expose them to any technology at a very young age. Steve Jobs, Co-founder of Apple (iPhone) did not allow his kids to use electronic gadgets up to the age of 16 years. Do not consider that your child will be dumb if he/she will not learn how to use the phone and will not be able to play games on mobiles. Do not even assume that your child is smart if he/she knows how to use the phone. It is always better to teach them how to make and take the call on the phone. Let them introduce them to computers in the school first. Gradually, they will learn about technology. Take care. Happy Parenting.
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